Here's an overview of all the changes we've been busy making over the past few months. We've included a mix of bug fixes, new features and useful tools, and necessary underlying component updates to make sure our apps continue to run for years to come. If you've got a particular question about a specific task, please get in touch with our support team.
Softcom Mail
- Brand new look and feel to SoftCOM Mail, with updated icons, a new flat theme, and updated controls - we hope you like it!
- New 'Mobile' view that allows you to configure which departments/emails you want to see on your mobile
- Loads of bug fixes, memory usage improvements and tweaks across SoftCOM Mail client, Broker Services and SoftCOM Mobile service based on what you've reported to us previously
- People who use loads of tag buttons can now scroll through the tags panel to get to their tags more quickly
- Tighter integration to the CRM functionality in SoftSHIP and Company Directory, letting you send multi-dest lists more efficiently
- New sending broker service in preparation for the mail merge functionality in the next release
- Connection status and version details have been moved to the Help menu
- Opening .msg files now in appear in the preview window, not the editor
- The underlying DevExpress components have been updated to version 16.1, which contains loads of fixes, including better message display and editing
- Full support for Microsoft Exchange 2013
- Improved database self clean-up processes to help manage data volumes
SoftSHIP Chartering & SNP
- Brand new look and feel to SoftSHIP, with updated icons, a new flat theme, and updated controls - we hope you like it!
- New splash screen lets you suggest new ideas, access release notes and road maps, and get weekly tips and more
- Time zones are now shipped with SoftSHIP on the bottom status bar - contact support if you want to configure this
- Bug fixes and tweaks across SoftSHIP based on what you've reported to us previously
- Improvements to the matching process when using the Find matching vessels on a cargo order
- Fix for the DWT field in the map search
- Loads of improvements to the Cargo Scanner, including algorithm enhancements and the latest data dictionary, port and cargo sets - we've seen huge accuracy improvements on our test databases!
- New mechanism of defining what vessel types to update in which departments for the Position Scanner
- Fixture Alerts can now be set to notify you when vessels come off long term TC, then click directly from the alert to get you to the vessel details
- Changes to the cargo dates/times to allow for better multi-location access
- Fixtures can now be saved with a size class where the specific vessel is unknown
- Small adjustments to MED/GIB sailing distances and times
- The fields displaying in the Purchase Enquiry box can be set per organisation to whatever you need
- Multiple yards and subtypes can now be saved against an enquiry
- Changes to the 'Find matching vessels' display and matching process from Enquiries
Company Directory:
- New Contact Management System (CMS) for the handling of events and customer interactions
- Notes can now be saved with visibility levels
- Better validation checks when adding and deleting email address and other contact details to prevent data duplication
- Brand new look and feel to SoftFIX, with updated icons, a new flat theme, and updated controls - we hope you like it!
- New splash screen lets you suggest new ideas, access release notes and road maps, and get weekly tips and more
- Time zones are now shipped with SoftFIX on the bottom status bar - contact support if you want to configure this
- COA liftings now show as Invoiced/Settled instead of Actual if the Voyage Status is set to Invoiced/Settled
- You will be warned that invoicing details should be checked when you change the commission Counter Party
- If the freight rate is lumpsum, you will no longer be forced to enter a nominated quantity or cargo
- The Vessel Name field has been made mandatory when creating a new fixture (TBN can be added for VOY/COA)
- We've added new 'Total Invoiced' and 'Estimate Total' fields for further financial analysis
- Various pre-agreed changes to invoices, including longer narratives, added Payment/Writeoff fields, payment terms after the bank details, offhire remarks, and corresponding invoice received details
- When doing a partial writeoff followed by partial payment, the issue of payment for the Collect/Share parties not being allocated has been resolved
- The Payment Summary Report now shows the Main Office Amount correctly when tax is involved
- When editing an offhire, the hire charge is deleted if the offhire is moved into a previous period
- On TCs, the default selected period on periods tab now display the last declared period so that you can automatically edit it, and you can now lock TC charges from causing reversals when Auto Raise is on
- The underlying DevExpress components have been updated to version 16.1, which contains loads of fixes, including better message display and editing
- Full support for Microsoft Exchange 2013